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Spanish Theme

The Brief

Renovate the garden to create a powerful impact that reflects the Spanish architecture of the home.

Our Solution

It was obvious the water feature needed to become a prominent feature of this garden. The cobwebs were removed, it was clad in stone and given a full renovation to restore it to it's former glory. A raised stone clad planter was added, and this together with the addition of a mature Olive tree really set the theme for the rest of the garden. Bougainvillea was used to accentuate the arched windows and doorways, and add vibrant colour across the front of the house for much of the year. Trellis work was added to both garage frontages and planted with Jasmine to soften the walls, and weeping mulberries were an addition to the gardens either side of the front door to enhance the entrance. 


  • Fully renovated water feature
  • Creation of the raised stone clad planter box
  • Addition of the mature Olive tree
  • Bougainvillea's to accentuate the arched windows and doorways

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